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All Survivors > Survivors from IL

Survivors from IL

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Name First
From Approx.
as of
# of
(verified = Twitter verified)
Alicia Rosa One World Chicago, IL 25 39 1 @AliciaRRosa
Andrew Savage Pearl Islands Chicago, IL 40 62 1
Butch Lockley The Amazon Olney, IL 50 73 1 @ButchLockley
Gregg Carey Palau Chicago, IL 27 48 1 @greggcarey
Jaison Robinson Samoa Chicago, IL 28 44 1
Jason Siska Micronesia Fox River Grove, IL 22 40 1
Jenny Guzon-Bae Cook Islands Lake Forest, IL 36 55 1 @jennyguzonbae
Kathleen "Kathy" Sleckman Micronesia Glen Ellyn, IL 45 63 1
Kelly Czarnecki Gabon Buffalo Grove, IL 22 39 1 @KellyCzarnecki
Michael "Frosti" Zernow China Chicago, IL 20 38 1
Mookie Lee Fiji Wheeling, IL 25 44 1 @mookiehlee
Morgan McDevitt Guatemala Decatur, IL 21 41 1
Sally Schumann Panama Chicago, IL 27 47 1
Number of survivors shown: 13
Average age when played: 29.85
Average current age: 48.69
Percentage with Twitter: 46.15%

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