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All Survivors > Survivor: Pearl Islands

Survivors on Survivor: Pearl Islands

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Name First
From Approx.
as of
# of
(verified = Twitter verified)
Andrew Savage Pearl Islands Chicago, IL 40 62 1
Burton Roberts Pearl Islands San Francisco, CA 31 53 2 @burtonroberts
Christa Hastie Pearl Islands Los Angeles, CA 24 46 1 @christahastie
Darrah Johnson Pearl Islands Liberty, MS 22 44 1
Jon "Jonny Fairplay" Dalton Pearl Islands Danville, VA 29 51 2 verified @JonnyFairplay
Lillian Morris Pearl Islands Cincinnati, OH 51 73 2
Michelle Tesauro Pearl Islands Pittstown, NJ 22 44 1
Nicole Delma Pearl Islands Hermosa Beach, CA 24 46 1 @NNDD2009
Osten Taylor Pearl Islands Boston, MA 27 49 1 @OTpanama2003
Rupert Boneham Pearl Islands Indianapolis, IN 39 61 3 @RupertBoneham
Ryan Opray Pearl Islands Los Gatos, CA 31 53 1 @SpearmintRyno7
Ryan Shoulders Pearl Islands Clarksville, TN 23 45 1
Sandra Diaz-Twine Pearl Islands Fort Lewis, WA 29 51 2
Shawn Cohen Pearl Islands New York, NY 28 50 1
Tijuana Bradley Pearl Islands St. Louis, MO 27 49 1
Trish Dunn Pearl Islands Annapolis, MD 42 64 1
Number of survivors shown: 16
Average age when played: 30.56
Average current age: 52.56
Percentage with Twitter: 43.75%

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