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All Survivors > Survivors from New York, NY

Survivors from New York, NY

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Name First
From Approx.
as of
# of
(verified = Twitter verified)
Alicia Calaway The Australian Outback New York, NY 32 57 2
Brendan Synnott Tocantins New York, NY 30 47 1
Brian Corridan Guatemala New York, NY 22 42 1
Charlie Herschel Gabon New York, NY 29 46 1 @CharlieHerschel
Courtney Yates China New York, NY 26 44 2 @CourtneyHYates
Elizabeth "Liz" Kim Samoa New York, NY 33 49 1
Jeff Varner The Australian Outback New York, NY 34 59 1 @JEFFVARNER
Matthew "Sash" Lenahan Nicaragua New York, NY 30 45 1 @MatthewLenahan
Shawn Cohen Pearl Islands New York, NY 28 50 1
Shii Ann Huang Thailand New York, NY 28 51 2
Stephen Fishbach Tocantins New York, NY 29 46 1 @stephenfishbach
Virgilio "Billy" Garcia Cook Islands New York, NY 36 55 1
Number of survivors shown: 12
Average age when played: 29.75
Average current age: 49.25
Percentage with Twitter: 41.67%

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