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All Survivors > Survivor: Cook Islands

Survivors on Survivor: Cook Islands

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Name First
From Approx.
as of
# of
(verified = Twitter verified)
Adam Gentry Cook Islands San Diego, CA 28 47 1
Anh-Tuan "Cao Boi" Bui Cook Islands Christiansburg, VA 42 61 1
Becky Lee Cook Islands Washington, DC 28 47 1
Brad Virata Cook Islands Los Angeles, CA 27 46 1
Candice Woodcock Cook Islands Fayetteville, NC 23 42 2
Cecilia Mansilla Cook Islands Oakland, CA 29 48 1
Cristina Coria Cook Islands Los Angeles, CA 35 54 1 @cristinamcoria
J. P. Calderon Cook Islands Marina Del Rey, CA 30 49 1
Jenny Guzon-Bae Cook Islands Lake Forest, IL 36 55 1 @jennyguzonbae
Jessica "Flicka" Smith Cook Islands Chico, CA 27 46 1
Jonathan Penner Cook Islands Los Angeles, CA 44 63 2 @SurvivorPenner
Nathan "Nate" Gonzalez Cook Islands Los Angeles, CA 26 45 1
Oscar "Ozzy" Lusth Cook Islands Venice, CA 25 44 3 @OzzyLusth
Parvati Shallow Cook Islands Los Angeles, CA 24 43 3 @parvatishallow
Rebecca Borman Cook Islands Laurelton, NY 34 53 1
Sekou Bunch Cook Islands Los Angeles, CA 46 65 1
Stephannie Favor Cook Islands Columbia, SC 35 54 1
Sundra Oakley Cook Islands Los Angeles, CA 31 50 1
Virgilio "Billy" Garcia Cook Islands New York, NY 36 55 1
Yul Kwon Cook Islands San Mateo, CA 31 50 1 @yul_kwon
Number of survivors shown: 20
Average age when played: 31.85
Average current age: 50.85
Percentage with Twitter: 30.00%

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