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All Survivors > Age 43

Survivors who are currently age 43

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Name First
From Approx.
as of
# of
(verified = Twitter verified)
Ace Gordon Gabon Naples, FL 27 43 1
Andria (Dre) "Dreamz" Herd Fiji Wilmington, NC 25 43 1
Aras Baskauskas Panama Santa Monica, CA 24 43 1
Austin Carty Panama High Point, NC 24 43 1 @austincarty
Ben Browning Samoa Los Angeles, CA 28 43 1 @TheOutlawBennyB
Blake Towsley Guatemala Dallas, TX 24 43 1
Courtney Yates China New York, NY 26 43 2 @CourtneyHYates
Danielle DiLorenzo Panama Pompano Beach, FL 24 43 2 @ddilorenzo10
Darrah Johnson Pearl Islands Liberty, MS 22 43 1
Erik Cardona Samoa Ontario, CA 28 43 1
Erik Huffman China Nashville, TN 26 43 1 @ErikTHuffman
Grant Mattos Redemption Island West Hollywood, CA 29 43 1 @GrantMattos
Ian Rosenberger Palau Key Largo, FL 23 43 1 @IanRosenberger
Jaison Robinson Samoa Chicago, IL 28 43 1
Jamie Newton Guatemala North Hollywood, CA 24 43 1
Jenna Morasca The Amazon Pittsburgh, PA 21 43 2 verified @JennaMorasca
Jonathan Libby Palau Dallas, TX 23 43 1
Julie Berry Vanuatu Gorham, ME 23 43 1
Liliana Gomez Fiji Oxnard, CA 25 43 1
Michael Jefferson One World Seattle, WA 30 43 1 @MJeffersonS24
Michelle Tesauro Pearl Islands Pittstown, NJ 22 43 1
Misty Giles Panama Dallas, TX 24 43 1
Mookie Lee Fiji Wheeling, IL 25 43 1 @mookiehlee
Oscar "Ozzy" Lusth Cook Islands Venice, CA 25 43 3 @OzzyLusth
Sherea Lloyd China Atlanta, GA 26 43 1 @SurvivorReRe
Number of survivors shown: 25
Average age when played: 25.04
Average current age: 43.00
Percentage with Twitter: 48.00%

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