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All Survivors > Survivor: Panama

Survivors on Survivor: Panama

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Name First
From Approx.
as of
# of
(verified = Twitter verified)
Aras Baskauskas Panama Santa Monica, CA 24 44 1
Austin Carty Panama High Point, NC 24 44 1 @austincarty
Bobby Mason Panama Los Angeles, CA 32 52 1
Bruce Kanegai Panama Simi Valley, CA 58 78 1
Cirie Fields Panama Walterboro, SC 34 54 3 @Ciriesurvivor12
Courtney Marit Panama Los Angeles, CA 31 51 1
Dan Barry Panama South Hadley, MA 52 72 1 @robot_builder
Danielle DiLorenzo Panama Pompano Beach, FL 24 44 2 @ddilorenzo10
Melinda Hyder Panama Sevierville, TN 32 52 1
Misty Giles Panama Dallas, TX 24 44 1
Nick Stanbury Panama Tempe, AZ 25 45 1
Ruth Marie Milliman Panama Greenville, SC 48 68 1
Sally Schumann Panama Chicago, IL 27 47 1
Shane Powers Panama Los Angeles, CA 35 55 1 @Theshanepowers
Terry Deitz Panama Simsbury, CT 46 66 1
Tina Scheer Panama Hayward, WI 45 65 1
Number of survivors shown: 16
Average age when played: 35.06
Average current age: 55.06
Percentage with Twitter: 31.25%

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