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All Survivors > Survivor: Borneo

Survivors on Survivor: Borneo

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Name First
From Approx.
as of
# of
(verified = Twitter verified)
B. B. Andersen Borneo Mission Hills, KS 64 88 1
Colleen Haskell Borneo Miami Beach, FL 23 47 1
Dirk Been Borneo Spring Green, WI 23 47 1
Gervase Peterson Borneo Philadelphia, PA 30 54 1
Greg Buis Borneo Gold Hill, CO 24 48 1
Gretchen Cordy Borneo Clarksville, TN 38 62 1
Jenna Lewis Borneo Franklin, NH 22 46 2
Joel Klug Borneo Sherwood, AR 28 52 1
Kelly Wiglesworth Borneo Las Vegas, NV 23 47 1
Ramona Gray Borneo Edison, NJ 29 53 1
Richard Hatch Borneo Newport, RI 39 63 2 @HatchRichard
Rudy Boesch Borneo Virginia Beach, VA 72 96 2
Sean Kenniff Borneo Long Island, NY 30 54 1
Sonja Christopher Borneo Walnut Creek, CA 63 87 1
Stacey Stillman Borneo San Francisco, CA 27 51 1
Sue Hawk Borneo Palmyra, WI 38 62 2
Number of survivors shown: 16
Average age when played: 35.81
Average current age: 59.81
Percentage with Twitter: 6.25%

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