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All Survivors > Survivor: South Pacific

Survivors on Survivor: South Pacific

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Name First
From Approx.
as of
# of
(verified = Twitter verified)
Albert Destrade South Pacific Plantation, FL 26 40 1 @SurvivorAlbert
Brandon Hantz South Pacific Katy, TX 19 33 1 @brandonhantz
Christine Shields Markoski South Pacific Merrick, NY 39 53 1 @csmsurvivor
Dawn Meehan South Pacific South Jordan, UT 41 55 1 @meehand
Edna Ma South Pacific Los Angeles, CA 35 49 1 @BareEase
Elyse Umemoto South Pacific Las Vegas, NV 27 41 1 @ms_elyse
Jim Rice South Pacific Denver, CO 35 49 1 @jamesloganrice
John Cochran South Pacific Washington, DC 24 38 1 @JohnMCochran
Keith Tollefson South Pacific Edina, MN 26 40 1 @KeithTollefson
Mark "Papa Bear" Caruso South Pacific Forest Hills, NY 48 62 1 @SurvivorMark
Mikayla Wingle South Pacific Tampa, FL 22 36 1 @iLuvMiki
Rick Nelson South Pacific Aurora, UT 51 65 1
Semhar Tadesse South Pacific Los Angeles, CA 24 38 1 @SincerelySemhar
Sophie Clarke South Pacific Willsboro, NY 22 36 1 @sophieGclarke
Stacey Powell South Pacific Grand Prairie, TX 44 58 1 @survivorstacey
Whitney Duncan South Pacific Nashville, TN 26 40 1 verified @whitneyduncan
Number of survivors shown: 16
Average age when played: 31.81
Average current age: 45.81
Percentage with Twitter: 93.75%

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