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All Survivors > Survivor: Redemption Island

Survivors on Survivor: Redemption Island

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Name First
From Approx.
as of
# of
(verified = Twitter verified)
Andrea Boehlke Redemption Island Random Lake, WI 21 36 1 @andreaboehlke
Ashley Underwood Redemption Island Benton, ME 25 40 1 @AshleyUSurvivor
David Murphy Redemption Island West Hollywood, CA 31 46 1
Francesca Hogi Redemption Island Washington, DC 36 51 1 @DearFranny
Grant Mattos Redemption Island West Hollywood, CA 29 44 1 @GrantMattos
Julie Wolfe Redemption Island Oceanside, CA 50 65 1 @wolfewahine
Krista Klumpp Redemption Island Columbia, SC 25 40 1 @KristaKlumpp
Kristina Kell Redemption Island Malibu, CA 46 61 1 @kristinakell
Matt Elrod Redemption Island Nashville, TN 22 37 1
Mike Chiesl Redemption Island Del Mar, CA 31 46 1 @MikeChiesl
Natalie Tenerelli Redemption Island Acton, CA 19 34 1 @NatTenerelli
Phillip Sheppard Redemption Island Santa Monica, CA 52 67 1 @PSheppardTV
Ralph Kiser Redemption Island Lebanon, VA 45 60 1
Sarita White Redemption Island Santa Monica, CA 36 51 1
Stephanie Valencia Redemption Island Long Beach, CA 26 41 1 @MDVtequila
Steve Wright Redemption Island Huntington Beach, CA 51 66 1
Number of survivors shown: 16
Average age when played: 34.06
Average current age: 49.06
Percentage with Twitter: 68.75%

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