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NOTE: SurvivorHistory.com is a fan site and is NOT associated with CBS in any way. SURVIVOR™ is a trademark of CBS. SPOILER ALERT: SurvivorHistory.com contains up-to-date information for the USA broadcast of Survivor. If you watch delayed broadcasts, beware of spoilers! We do NOT have any spoilers for the USA broadcast if you are up-to-date.
All Survivors > Played 3 Times

Survivors Who Have Played Exactly 3 Times

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Name First
From Approx.
as of
# of
(verified = Twitter verified)
Amanda Kimmel China Kalispell, MT 23 40 3 @amandakimmel
Benjamin "Coach" Wade Tocantins Bolivar, MO 37 53 3 @the_real_coach
Cirie Fields Panama Walterboro, SC 34 53 3 @Ciriesurvivor12
Colby Donaldson The Australian Outback Dallas, TX 26 50 3 verified @Colby_Donaldson
James Clement China Lafayette, LA 30 47 3
Jerri Manthey The Australian Outback Los Angeles, CA 30 54 3 @jerrimanthey
Oscar "Ozzy" Lusth Cook Islands Venice, CA 25 43 3 @OzzyLusth
Parvati Shallow Cook Islands Los Angeles, CA 24 42 3 @parvatishallow
Rupert Boneham Pearl Islands Indianapolis, IN 39 60 3 @RupertBoneham
Russell Hantz Samoa Dayton, TX 36 51 3 verified @russellhantz
Stephenie LaGrossa Palau Glenolden, PA 25 45 3 @SurvivorSteph
Number of survivors shown: 11
Average age when played: 29.91
Average current age: 48.91
Percentage with Twitter: 90.91%

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